Minneapolis, MN- SunCran™ Naturelle, an all-natural premium branded formula made with Fruit d’Or Cran Naturelle™ cranberry juice powder and Taiyo’s Sunfiber®, an organic, soluble guar fiber, is now a Monash University Low FODMAP Certified™ product.
The product, introduced byTaiyo Internationalat Engredea 2018, offers gut and urinary tract health benefits.

FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Disaccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols) are a group of dietary sugars which are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. They are known to cause gas-related pain, intestinal distention and constipation and/or diarrhea in people suffering from FGIDs and IBS. Low FODMAP foods and ingredients help to reduce these symptoms.
Because many high-fiber foods are also high in FODMAPs, people with FGID and IBS often have difficulty meeting the recommended daily intake of 25 to 38 grams of fiber in their diets. That means they may not get enough soluble fiber which is essential to gut health and regularity.
Even more problematic, many of the short chain dietary fibers such as inulin, wheat and corn dextrin, and IMOs (Isomaltooligosaccharide) are high-FODMAP fibers and should be avoided by those looking to minimize FODMAPs in their diet.
“We are pleased that Monash certified SunCran Naturelle under its new therapeutic ingredient program,” comments Scott Smith, vice president of Taiyo International. “This is an example of how Taiyo International is assisting its customers with achieving and using its Sunfiber low-FODMAP certification in collaboration with Monash University.”
SunCran Naturelle works well in functional ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages, bars, stick packs, and scoopable powder.
Sabinsa Founder Dr. Muhammed Majeed Named 2018 NutraChampion
East Windsor, NJ - Sabinsa founder Muhammed Majeed PhD has been named the 2018 NutraChampion in the NutraIngredients Awards, in association with VitaFoods Europe.
His son, Shaheen Majeed, Sabinsa president-worldwide, accepted the award on his father’s behalf on May 16thin Geneva, Switzerland.

Dr. Majeed, who was born and raised in Kerala, India, has over 45 years of experience in the pharmaceutical, molecular biology, nutritional and cosmetic industries. He founded the Sabinsa Corporation in 1988. In 1991, he set up Sami Labs Limited, a research group, in Bangalore, India. Under his leadership, Indian Ayurvedic herbs were studied in depth, confirming traditional benefits, and often finding new ones, as well as developing proprietary extraction methods. The company expanded into cultivation to insure a steady supply of raw materials grown to control common agricultural adulterants, structuring the program to improve the lives of many rural farmers in India.
Sabinsa pioneered numerous herbs that have become successful industry staples, such as Garcinia cambogia (Citrin®), Coleus forskohlii (ForsLean®), Curcuma longa (Curcumin C3 Complex®), and Black Pepper extract (BioPerine®). The company was the first to develop a shelf stable probiotic, LactoSpore®, nearly 20 years ago.
Sabinsa's Hyderabad Facility Receives NSF GMP Certification
Hyderabad, India – The Sami-Group’s Hyderabad facility, located in the Genome Valley, Hyderabad, India, has received GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) Certification from NSF International. This marks the third Sabinsa factory to received the certification.

The state-of-the-art production center is situated in a 4.5-acre plot, and houses facilities for herbal extractions and nutraceutical preparations. The reactors range from 500 to 8000 liters, with all distillation assembly and other requirements. The factory is also equipped with an efficient quality control and microbiology lab that is capable of analyzing all incoming and outgoing materials on a regular basis.
The top products from the Hyderabad unit are Sabinsa’s PteroWhite® (Pterocarpus extract 90%), BioPerine® (Black pepper 95%), Curcumin C3 Complex® 95%, Boswellin®, and FenuFibers®, which are supplied to several world markets.
“This third party inspection and subsequent certification provides our customers with assurance that the products we manufacture will support their own regulatory compliance and quality standards,” said Shaheen Majeed, Sabinsa president-worldwide. “While we encourage our customers to visit us and conduct site inspections themselves, we also know that isn’t always possible. This location previously passed inspection by the U.S. FDA, but we are pleased by this most recent confirmation of our manufacturing standards as well."
Bioenergy Life Science Ingredient Positively Appraised by EFSA
Minneapolis, MN -Bioenergy Life Science, Inc.’s (BLS) ingredient Bioenergy Ribose® (D-Ribose) has received a positive opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for ‘the safety of use’ as a novel food (NF) ingredient.

The news was published in EFSA Journal 2018.
EFSA concluded that D-Ribose is safe for the general population including children and that this relates to a value of 36 mg/kg/day, which for a 70Kg adult is equivalent to a daily dosage of 2.5g, which is a strong dose for efficacy.
“We have worked very hard for this achievement and are very happy we have the safety approval from EFSA to use Bioenergy Ribose in food and beverage applications in the EU,” states Marianne McDonagh, vice president of sales at BLS.
Bioenergy Ribose has been used in dietary supplements for nearly 30 years in Europe. Its use in the United States, where it is FDA GRAS-certified, extends over 40 years and includes sports nutrition and functional food and beverage applications.
“We look forward to continue working with the EU Commission to define the list of food categories and expanding our brand and core product, Bioenergy Ribose, in Europe,” says McDonagh.