Pasadena, TX—Kaneka Probiotics will be presenting a webinar on the cardiovascular benefits of KABP probiotic strains on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, at 11am EST, according to a press release. The strains:L. plantarumKABP-011, KABP-012, and KABP-013, combined in Kaneka’s Floradapt Cardio Probiotic. The combination has demonstrated the ability to reduce serum LDL cholesterol and triglycerides regardless of age, gender, in specific medications, via several mechanisms of action.

Robert Barry, Ph.D., Executive Director of Scientific Affairs at Kaneka, will outline the hypolipidemic attributes of the KABP strains, the press release explains. The webinar will also cover published experimental and clinical data demonstrating lipid reductions and mechanisms of action.

Interested parties canregister here.

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