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Devon Gholam, Ph.D., got the industry buzzing when she launched the #showusyourcans challenge on LinkedIn in November, jumping off the #showusyoursupps challenge that circulated earlier in the year. Dr. Gholam posted:
“No... not THOSE cans, silly! Functional beverages are ALL the rage right now, whether for beauty from within, energy, sports nutrition—what are you drinking and why? We showed our supps... now it's time for those drinks!” The guidelines include posting a photo of your favorite functional beverage with #showusyourcans, then nominating friends to join in the fun. Dr. Gholam's favorite: Amabie, launched by her company Step Change Innovations, featuring the clinically studied IMMUSE postbiotic from Kyowa Hakko. The challenge took off, with industry members keen to showcase their favorites. Keep the challenge going in 2025 by posting your cans on LinkedIn!
What trends are industry members forecasting for 2025? That topic generated comments under the hashtag #BigIdeas2025 on LinkedIn. Among those who weighed in was Dr. Jacqueline Jacques. A few of the top trends Dr. Jacques is manifesting for 2025:
“Testing for PFAS, PFOS, microplastics will force us to think differently about some of our ingredients as we learn what products present the greatest risk”
“Driven by data, the microbiome will continue to impact our thinking on virtually everything. We will see more advances in human-derived biotics, post-biotics/metabolites, and greater development of "biomes" outside the gut (skin, vaginal, oral, etc.)”
“The market around GLP-1 receptor agonists is not going to slow down. This should really benefit parts of the natural products industry enormously from tailored foods to whole support programs. This will also bolster the vigorous return of keto and protein infused everything.”
Dr. Jacques also gave us something to ponder: “Can we just stop calling women a trend in 2025? As 50% of the global population, I promise that women are not a fad that will come and go. We are finally just taking our full seat at the table. I don't think we are going anywhere.” Read more insights from Dr. Jacques and others, following hashtag #BigIdeas2025.
Is Protein Powder a Scam? That was a headline from the NY Times, and Douglas Kalman, Ph.D. RD, went to LinkedIn to raise awareness and set the record straight. Regarding information in the NY Times article about the limited amount of protein the body can use per meal to make muscle, Dr. Kalman countered: “We cannot have scientists/educational influencers propagate myths. Stop it please…In reality, the only time your body does not absorb, digest and absorb protein is if you unfortunately expelled it from above or below, otherwise, the body utilizes it!”
The post generated many comments, with industry experts weighing in. Follow Dr. Kalman on LinkedIn for his insights on this and other timely topics.
As 2024 came to a close, Dr. Jeffrey Burke, Director of Education for Kokora, asked his colleagues on LinkedIn:
“I can bet that all of us chose the Natural Products Industry as our ‘go to’ career for many different reasons. Of course there will be similarities with all of us, but I will bet that there are individual and unique reasons each of us signed on. I also know that those initial reasons we started may have changed as we became more involved and as we matured along with the industry, and that’s ok.
“So, I would like to ask each of you: Why did you choose this industry as your go to?”
Answering the prompt, industry members shared about following in a parent’s footsteps and being drawn in by the passion that independent retailers show for their health and the wellbeing of their communities.
Keep the conversation going and let us know: Why did you choose the natural products industry?
We’d love to hear from you! Spotted something thought-provoking, feel-good, or buzz-worthy on socials? Email editor@wfcinc.com and we may share in a future issue!
The editorial team at WholeFoods Magazine has decades of experiences reporting on natural products industry news, trends, and more. This national, monthly business-to-business magazine has been published continuously for nearly 40 years (the magazine was founded in 1977, and has been owned by Wainer Finest Communications since 1984). It is the longest-tenured media outlet of its kind in the natural products industry. The editorial focus at WholeFoods Magazine is, and always has been, on informing and educating members of the natural products industry.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
NOTE: WholeFoods Magazine is a business-to-business publication. Information on this site should not be considered medical advice or a way to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. Always seek the advice of a medical professional before making lifestyle changes, including taking a dietary supplement. The opinions expressed by contributors and experts quoted in articles are not necessarily those of the publisher or editors of WholeFoods.