Maggie, our Editor-in Chief, makes sure that we have a content-rich publication each month, while also making sure the website and e-newsletters are up-to-date. She took on more responsibility this year as a co-host and editorial director for our Naturally Informed Virtual Events, as well as hosting The Natural View podcasts and our webinars. Julia is always behind the scenes, writing the most interesting articles and reporting on breaking news to keep the industry updated and informed. Then there is Rachel, who I am sure many of you have spoken to; she makes sure you get your magazines and e-newsletters as well as oversees our social media, What’s Selling, and, well, basically any time a project needs an extra hand, Rachel always volunteers! On the art side, Christina puts the publication together and makes sure all looks great. Then there is Bree, who was hired during the pandemic as Integrated Sales Manager, jumped right in and is doing great even though she has not yet been able to meet any of you or her new customers in person (we hope she can soon!). And hopefully, this team of amazing women see me as the glue who keeps things together.
Yes, we do have two men on staff—our controller James is our most tenured employee, and has kept us operating without a hitch during the pandemic; we are so grateful for all he does. The other, of course, is my father Howard Wainer, our President and Founder of the company who made this all possible for us.
My father has always been my hero, but I do have to say I am proud of the way I have been able to move this company forward, and I never would be able to do it without this group of women and two men behind me. I should honor one more amazing woman who is no longer with us, my mother Sandra. She kept my dad going in the early days, and made sure everyone got their magazine. For those of you lucky to have known Sandy or met her at our booth at trade shows, you know what a remarkable woman she was. And I am the strong woman today because of her.
We are a small but mighty company that is made up mostly of Super Women. So, this Women’s History Month and every month, I am so proud to recognize what our women-led company has accomplished, and I know there is nothing we can’t do as we move forward. Thank you for giving us the opportunity, and we look forward to continuing to inform and educate through all aspects of media!
Heather Wainer Publisher
Don’t Miss: Trade Show Remix
And Next Up: Our Annual Source Directory in June
In normal (i.e., non-COVID) times, the May issue of WholeFoods Magazine would be our annual Source Directory. It’s been that way for years. But, since Expo West had been moved to May, we did a quick pivot and made May a traditional issue, with the goal to deliver trade show info to you in a timely manner. Unfortunately, Expo West isn’t taking place live in Anaheim this year. We know how important trade shows are to staying informed, connected, and fostering growth, and we are committed to helping all in the industry achieve their goals despite the circumstances. To that end, please see page 30 of this issue for our Trade Show Remix. We’re “thinking outside the booth” and bringing the trade show experience directly to you, with information on the latest products, emerging science, show deals for natural products retailers, and more. And on the education front, visit for information on our virtual event series. Registration is open now for Active Nutrition: Mastering the Market, taking place June 29-30.Also in June: We will be publishing our annual Source Directory, your complete reference for information on industry companies, including contact information, key personnel, brand names, ingredients offered and more!