Educated at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, California, not far from his childhood home in Pasadena, Bill earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism and Public Relations. For the remainder of his life, he put this education and all of his skills to great use as he built and expanded valuable businesses that customers flocked to for his visionary and high-quality products.
Very often far ahead of his peers in ferreting out practical applications of the latest theoretical and actual medical discoveries, it was Bill, with his naturally inquisitive mind, who first popularly publicized for the layperson the health benefits of resveratrol, GcMAF, Panacur C, and other amazing natural, and not-so-natural, molecules. In 2004, he created a company, Resveratrol Partners, that brought to market Longevinex, a resveratrol pill in which he complexed resveratrol with other molecules, resulting in a synergistic health effect far greater than could be obtained from resveratrol alone, as proved by a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Also an astonishingly prolific and fast writer, throughout his career, Bill wrote and published nearly 20 books, including such titles asWhat’s Best in a Multivitamin (1999),The Iron Time Bomb (1999),Why Babies Die (2002), The Bible Prescription for Health and Longevity (2003), You Don’t Have to Be Afraid of Cancer Anymore (2007), andDownsizing Your Body(2009). With his incredible ability to recall, analyze, and then assemble disparate facts to arrive at a novel idea or concept, he produced a prodigious quantity of articles for LewRockwell.com, the National Health Federation (NHF) journal Health Freedom News, and evenWholeFoods Magazine, some 400 articles in a twenty-year period.
As if that were not enough, Bill was also a much-sought-after radio personality who was often interviewed at length, appeared on his own and many others’ special programs, and was a popular radio spokesman for the dietary supplement company Purity Products in Long Island, New York. For Purity Products alone, he was heard 500 times a month.
Not limited to audio, Bill has appeared in documentaries such as Forks Over Knives (2011) and in “The Lockdown” episode of Covidland (2021), among other productions on health and health freedom. In-person speaking engagements were also Bill’s strong point for decades, with speeches as far away as India and Japan, and his most recent speech as the keynote speaker at the Mises Institute in Alabama in 2021.
Bill displayed a talent akin to genius when it came to formulating dietary supplement products, whether for his own companies, Purity Products, or someone else. Usually cutting-edge formulations, his Lifespan Nutrition and Purity products were especially popular with their customers.
One of the major reasons that Bill was so successful with his writings and commercial endeavors was because “money” was not his God or even his goal. God was his god. Deeply religious, Bill based his efforts – both in work and in the other areas of his life – on biblical principles that he not only profoundly believed in but also practiced daily. Immensely generous, Bill had the reputation amongst his friends and family of overpaying his employees, constantly showering others with expensive gifts, and, perhaps most importantly, spending hours upon hours of his own time on the phone or in person freely giving others the benefit of his nutritional wisdom, which invariably resulted in him sending them the supplements discussed free of charge to help heal them.
This natural nutritional – and political – wisdom was also applied through his role as a long-time, influential Policy Advisor for the National Health Federation, the World’s oldest health-freedom organization, and as a board member of its nonprofit sister organization the Foundation for Health Research. Very strongly pro-health freedom, pro-consumer rights, and pro-individual liberty, Bill often helped shape policy statements for NHF that were then used at Codex Alimentarius meetings. His influence was truly global and will remain so for some time to come.
As Charles A. Lindbergh once wrote, “Death gives a background to life as night to the stars.” Bill’s life was tragically shortened, but it was still a brilliant shooting star that even now still shines in all of our lives.