Virtual—On January 20-21, 2020, WholeFoods Magazine and Trust Transparency Center will host our next virtual event in the #NaturallyInformed series: Mental Wellness: Mastering the Market. This event will cover a range of pressing topics focused on boosting brainpower with strategies such as nootropics and brain hacking, as well as fostering mental wellbeing by enhancing stress resilience, elevating mood, and more, with insights for retailers, brands, suppliers, healthcare practitioners (actually everyone in the natural products industry!). There's so much I'm looking forward to over the course of the two days, and I wanted to give you a glimpse of some of the topics I'm especially jazzed about on day 2, which I will be moderating. I hope you'll join me for this event, which is free thanks to our sponsors (champion sponsor NutriScience, partner sponsor ChildLife, and content supporter Euromonitor).
NOTE: WholeFoods Magazine is a business-to-business publication. Information on this site should not be considered medical advice or a way to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. Always seek the advice of a medical professional before making lifestyle changes, including taking a dietary supplement. The opinions expressed by contributors and experts quoted in articles are not necessarily those of the publisher or editors of WholeFoods.