Washington, D.C.—The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) announced the launch of a new podcast,CHPA Chat. Hosted by Anita Brikman, SVP, Communications & Public Affairs, and Executive Director, CHPA Educational Foundation, the podcast will feature stories and insights about trends and issues in the consumer healthcare space.

In the first season, CEOs, policy experts, social media “med-fluencers,” and key industry leaders will join Brikman to explore topics such as multicultural marketing; how consumer confidence in personal healthcare products contributed to growth in the self-care aisle; trending policy issues inside-the-Beltway and out in the states; how CHPA plans to engage the new Administration, and more.

The podcast also spotlights dietary supplements with a “series within a series,” according to a press release from CHPA. This portion, hosted by John Troup, Ph.D., CHPA's VP, Scientific Affairs and Dietary Supplements, will feature experts on dietary supplements and healthcare policy about the pressing issues impacting the category.
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Available on all podcast streaming channels, CHPA Chat episodes will be available the first Monday of each month, with the dietary supplement series episodes posting the third Monday of each month.