Washington, D.C.—The New Jersey State Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee today unanimously passed a resolution asking the U.S. Congress to set a safe level for CBD consumption, according to a press release from the Natural Products Association (NPA). President and CEO Daniel Fabricant, Ph.D., testified at the committee hearing.

The resolutionreads:

“Currently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that food additives or dietary supplements that contain cannabidiol are illegal under federal law. This is despite the fact that over 1,500 products that contain cannabidiol have arrived on the market without a clear approach from the FDA to regulate the products and ensure consumer safety. The lack of clear policy from the FDA and the patchwork regulation of substance by the states create a complex legal framework for companies that sell cannabidiol products for their operations. As a result, interstate commerce for national cannabidiol companies is difficult because banks, insurance companies, and merchant companies are uneasy about providing services to cannabidiol companies at the risk of involvement from the FDA. Therefore, the President and Congress of the United States should establish a safe daily level of consumption of cannabidiol because it would allow individuals to experience the medical benefits of cannabidiol products and generate economic activity by encouraging interstate commerce for cannabidiol companies.”
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NPA worked with lawmakers in NJ to pass the resolution, and is continuing to work with the U.S. Congress to pass legislation to set a safe level of consumption for CBD.Dr. Fabricant said in the release: “NPA thanks the Committee for acknowledging that it is long past time for the federal government to take action and regulate CBD. Unless we get clear federal guidelines and safety standards, consumers are still going to be at risk. Setting a safe level of consumption for CBD products is the best way to move forward with this promising new product while protecting consumers.”