Gainesville, FL—A branded cosmeceutical supplement has shown impressive results for reducing signs of facial skin aging in a new study published in Natural Medicine Journal.
For six months, 29 women ages 39–67 (mean age of 54) took a supplement (Collagen Booster by Reserveage Organics, based here) that combines collagen (1,000 mg as Biocell Collagen) and trans-resveratrol (100 mg). At baseline, three months and six months, their skin was evaluated by scans and self-reported assessments.
Over the six-month period, the participants’ skin improved in several ways. For instance, the amount of visible facial pores and ultraviolet spots improved from baseline, as did body and skin satisfaction. The authors believe additional research is needed to “confirm and clarify the benefits of collagen and resveratrol supplementation in the prevention and management of aging skin and overall physical and psychological health.”
Published in WholeFoods Magazine, January 2014 (online 11/20/13)