Boulder, CO—Palm Done Right has announced September as Palm Done Right month. The educational platform will be raising awareness of brands that are committed to creating a better future by using organic, sustainable, and ethical palm oil. Throughout the month, the platform will highlight retailers who have joined the movement, celebrate brands who are committed to Palm Done Right principals and encourage consumers to shop sustainably.

Throughout the month, Palm Done Right will highlight 10 product categories/products that are sourcing palm oil that is organic, deforestation-free, wildlife-friendly, fair, and social. The campaign is using these hashtags to spread awareness:

#SoapDoneRight  #SnacksDoneRight  #DonutsDoneRight  #BakingDoneRight #BeautyDoneRight #PizzaDoneRight #CandlesDoneRight #SpreadsDoneRight #CookingDoneRight #RetailingDoneRight

Along with this awareness campaign, the educational platform announced a new partnership with Ahara Ghee, manufacturer of Traditional Indian Style Ghee, Traditional Ethiopian Niter Kibbeh, and a variety of less traditional iterations on clarified butters and oils including medicinals from Ayurvedic traditions.

“We decided to produce a vegan version of our Traditional Niter Kibbeh, as the flavors of kibbeh are an important part of Ethiopian cuisine," said Andrea Shuman, Founder and co-owner, Ahara Ghee. "Palm shortening behaves most like ghee, and we did not consider it an option to use conflict palm products. Palm Done Right allows us to ethically source the best ingredients without compromising our ethics.”

To learn more about Palm Done Right or get involved with Palm Done Right Awareness Month, visit theirsite.
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