Washington, D.C.—The CRN Foundation shared findings from its new economic reportSupplements to Savings: U.S. Health Care Cost Savings from the Targeted Use of Dietary Supplements, 2022–2030.

Key aspects of Supplement to Savings:

  • It reveals only $59 billion in savings are currently being captured;
  • It specifies the chronic diseases avoidable with preventive care;
  • It reveals the nine supplements and intake levels needed to realize the additional billions in healthcare savings;
  • It provides evidence that the use of certain dietary supplement ingredients by specific populations can reduce the direct and indirect medical costs associated with chronic diseases and conditions including coronary artery disease, osteoporosis, age-related macular degeneration, cognitive decline, irritable bowel syndrome, and childhood cognitive development disorders.
“This report is a wake-up call to American healthcare policy makers,” said Michael Meirovitz, Director of Government Relations at the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), in a press release. “We must shift our public policy and healthcare spending priorities so American taxpayers can have better health—and pay less for it.”

Courtesy of CRN Foundation

As CRN shared:

“Identifying at-risk populations early and providing targeted nutritional interventions like dietary supplements is a cost-effective approach alongside other healthy habits,” said Andrea Wong, Ph.D., CRN’s Senior Vice President, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs. “A steadily growing body of clinical research shows investing in preventive care through supplementation helps Americans avoid chronic conditions. This strategy is what we call a no-brainer.”

Download the complete Supplements to Savings economic report at www.SupplementstoSavings.org

About the "Supplement to Savings" report:

The report was investigated and written by research firm Frost & Sullivan. The research methodology is a cost-benefit analysis comparing disease-attributed risk and implied associated costs in dietary supplement users vs. non-users; and meta-analyses of clinical research studies for dietary supplement ingredients as they relate to reducing the risk of a given condition. Cost savings were determined by using data including target population size, risk reduction of population, and the number of possible avoided events from supplement use.

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